Web Finds – 24 August 2016

IMG_2129So I hope you are having a good week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

  1. My Camel Midori Notebook- Travel Setup – Seaweed Kisses
  2. ZenKraft Mermaid’s Tale Field Notes Bi-Fold – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  3. Van Der Spek Nomad as Workdori – Kat’s life in Cali
  4. Speckled Fawns covers in Teal Horween leather – This Bug’s Life
  5. Review: Galen Leather iPad Mini & Large Moleskine cover – Alt. Haven
  6. Pentel Touch Pen Meets A Midori Traveler’s Notebook – An Inkophile’s Blog
  7. Idea Owl Travelers Notebook Subscription Box Review – Polkadotparadiso
  8. ZenKraft Shenandoah Shaman Passport X-Treme Bi-Fold – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  9. PASSPORT VS REGULAR MTN – Letters in November
  10. Loridori Pocket TN – Becoming Sleek
  11. Speckled Fawns covers in Teal Horween leather – This Bug’s Life
  12. My Hobonichi Weeks has had many jobs this year, and it’s evolved… – Olga plans!
  13. ZenKraft Midnight Blue / Red Granite Edition A5 Multi-Function Bi-Fold – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  14. Free Midori diary inserts for 2017: Part 6 – Field Notes size layouts – My Life All in One Place
  15. Thank you Amy Tangerine for bringing such a colorful energy to BK Inspiration Lab!  – Baum-Kuchen
  16. Campomaggi leather journal – This Bug’s Life
  17. Professionelle Gestaltung! – X17 Blog
  18. ZenKraft Cobalt Blue B6 Pro Sleeve Slim – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  19. Summer 2016 Traveler’s Notebook (Video) – Kisiwa

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well.

  1. Traveler’s Notebook: Currently – Sarah Swann
  2. DIY Clear Folder Tutorial – Traveler’s Notebook – Si Silvia
  3. MEET LEMON: My New Chic Sparrow Traveler’s Notebook – Bunny Hopkins
  4. NEW IN #2: Traveler’s Notebook, Bullet Journal, Das creative Hobby… – dummesmaedchen
  5. Galen Leather Traveler’s notebooks, a nice alternative to Midori – John Sparegrave
  6. Traveler’s Notebook Layout Process – It won’t rain forever – dearly dee
  7. Pocket – Field Notes Midori Traveler’s Notebook Style Fauxdori Planner Setup – glamplanxo
  8. 2 weeks in my Midori Travelers Notebook – an update – Purposeful Planner
  9. Camel Midori Notebook: Travel Journal Setup – Seaweed Kisses
  10. FOXY FIX Pocket Traveler’s Notebook Unboxing – DoodleDeeDesigns
  11. Journalling In My Traveler’s Notebook – Johanna Clough
  12. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Setup for Traveling – Jenn
  13. Webster’s Pages Traveler’s Notebook – emiseverything
  14. DIY Travellers Notebook Pocket Dashboard Insert – PlanningObsessed
  15. Camel Midori Setup! | Travelers Notebook August 2016 – LittleMagicalArt
  16. Traveler’s Notebook Process Video | no.02 – France Wisniewski
  17. Traveler’s Notebook Process Video | no.03 – France Wisniewski
  18. My Hobonichi Covers & Traveler’s Notebook Collection – TheStationerynerd
  19. Traveler’s Notebook DIY | My Version – France Wisniewski
  20. Update: Passport sized Traveler’s notebook – chupie
  21. My Chic Sparrow personal sidekick travelers notebook set-up! – Nancy Zarroli
  22. Traveler’s notebook size comparison Part 1 – Rita Weaver
  23. Travelers notebook size comparison Part 2 – Rita Weaver
  24. New Bullet Journal Flick Through – Travelers Notebook – Helen Colebrook
  25. 17. Unboxing The Midori Travelers Notebook – A Wild Light
  26. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Setup 2016 – Katherine Shu
  28. Summer 2016 Traveler’s Notebook – kisiwa82
  29. Travelers Notebook Setup – Julie Marie
  30. Camel Midori Traveler’s Notebook Set-up – Jolly Jill

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!

