Web Finds – 4 April 2018

So I hope you are having a good week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

  1. Planner Peace – Paper Pens Ink
  2. My current Field Notes set up.  – Blank and Write – The Blog
  3. Choosing Keeping Notebooks – United Inkdom
  4. TN Blue // Color comparison – Baum-Kuchen
  5. Why you need a planner – Polkadotparadiso
  6. 168 Stunden Budget / 168 Hour Budget – Lorelei Lee’s Plan-Bar
  7. Notebooks, travels – A guy using travelers notebook
  8. Notebook Addict of the Week: racheljournaling – Notebook Stories
  9. 15 ideas for daily journalling — writing prompts – Journal
  10. TSL Inspiration Lab prep – Baum-Kuchen
  11. Custom Sketchbooks from Art Journal Pages – iHanna’s Blog
  12. April Bullet Journal Set Up – Sam Alderson
  13. my Traveler’s Workbook  – Lucy-Wonderland

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see.

  1. Plan With Me || Pretty Things (Lucinda Charlotte) – Karen’s Obsessions
  2. Bullet journal // Plan with me // 2nd – 8th April 2018 – Gemma Rose Crafts
  3. Saturday Setups in mostly strings – Rita Weaver
  4. 不是闷 | 3月最爱的文具 | March Fav Stationery – Bushimen
  5. Midori-Traveler’s Notebook – Lovely Day
  6. Conversion of a Filofax Domino Soft to TN with four elastics – Sophia Hodgson
  7. My Travelers Notebook Budget Setup & March Budget Review | 9,755.00 – ThatBudgetLife
  8. What’s On Our Traveler’s Notebook?? – Life of the Verdes
  9. New Leather Zipper Pouch by Travelers Company – Lulu Lime Designs
  10. Plan With Me || Easter Parade (The Plump Planner) – Karen’s Obsessions
  11. POCKET TN FLIP THROUGH | Speckled Fawns Traveler’s Notebook – Kelsie.Plans
  12. Travelers Notebook B6 Zipper Pouch!? – Maggies Boutique – Curlyhairanddaisies
  13. Traveler’s Notebook Layout * Scale it Down #05 * Grab 5 – seemownay
  14. JP Books London Stationery Shop Tour ft Blue TN + Midori Lightweight Insert Pen Test! – One Heart Journal
  15. Blue Edition Traveler’s Notebook Unboxing – skylar hand
  16. A new Travelers Notebook by Franklin Christoph, The Vagabond Notebook – Lulu Lime Designs
  17. Journal With Me Traveler’s Notebook – MyLifeMits
  18. What Traveler’s notebook I’m currently using in 2018 – John Sparegrave
  19. Field Notes vs Word Notebooks – Sylvia From Wright Your Life

If you see a video in this list that you believe has been pirated from another channel please let me know and I will remove it from the listing.  Thank you.

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!

