Web Finds 16 December 2015

IMG_2129So I hope you are having a good week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Print your own free 2016 diary or calendar – My Life All in One Place
  2. Hobonichi A6 2016 – Becoming Sleek
  3. Covet Monday – On The Hunt For My Nomad – Wish and wear
  4. Instagram Photo: New Book-Dori #poochiebaby – Poochiebaby
  5. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan–Planner Love – Eat, Write, Dream, Stitch
  6. WEEK FIFTY IN MY MTN – Letters in November
  7. Inside my Glendora – Passion Themed Life
  8. Back to Basics Planning Challenge: Conclusion – Becoming Sleek
  9. ZenKraft Cocobolo Personal X-Treme Bi-Fold – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  10. Steampunk Lady, a pretty English Bridle and then some… – Morgan Le Fae’s Trinkets
  11. My SNC Traveller’s Journal: aka The Workhorse – Paper Pens Ink
  12. TN’S and Tabs – Sign of the Tines 
  13. Instagram Photo: Planner band pen holder prototype #poochiebaby – Poochiebaby 
  14. Home – Organize Your Soul
  15. BULLET JOURNALING  – Letters in November
  16. Speckled Fawns Rustic Brown Kodiak 1.5″ FN Chunky – Becoming Sleek
  17. TN Tuesday 12.15- LJ’s Personal Collection – Foxtail Threads
  18. Final release before the new year: Giramondos in 3 new sizes! – Gillio Blog
We are starting to monitor blogs that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: travellersnotebooktimes at gmail dot com

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well.

  1. Artori | Travelers Notebook | Thoughts! – MissVickybee
  2. Plan With Me: Midori Traveler’s Notebook – Ricey05
  3. Travelers Notebook- Creative Midori Challenge I AM PROJECT – Florence Antonette 
  4. Chic Sparrow Mr Darcy Traveler’s Notebook Review and Setup!!! – WillowMuck 
  5. Plan With Me: Midori Traveler’s Notebook – Ricey05
  6. What’s in my Midori Traveler’s Notebook – Annee Cunningham 
  7. Pellestudio Saffiano Traveler’s Notebook Unboxing & Setup – MyLifeMits
  8. How to make your own traveler’s notebook inserts – Hip Homeschooling Blog
  9. Chic sparrow Mr.Darcy travelers notebook pocket set up – Cleo Cheng
  10. Traveler’s Notebook Coloring Book Flip Through – LifeintheMitten
  11. PLAN WITH ME: Midori Traveler’s Notebook Daily Journal – My Paper Projects
  12. Midori Mondays | Week 50 Wrap Up and Vlog – Paper Tams
  13. Sojourner Travelers Notebook “Retrow” Inserts – Retrow Tures
  14. Updated Traveler’s Notebook Setup December 2015 – MrsGsCrafties
  15. Plan With Me: Midori Traveler’s Notebook – Ricey05
We are starting to monitor You Tube channels that have TN type videos in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: travellersnotebooktimes at gmail dot com