Category Archives: TN Weekly Question

Travellers Notebook Questions – No. 2

IMG_2444Each week we ask our readers a simple question about their Travellers Notebooks and how they use them.

So this weeks question:

What pens do you use with your Travellers Notebook? 

Please answer in the comments below, although I know a few of you will answer my question on Facebook.

Travellers Notebook Questions – No. 1

IMG_2444We started a series like this when the blog first started about two years ago. Time to revisit.

So this week I will kick off with a simple and safe question:

Do you use a Travellers Notebook instead of a Filofax or as well as? 

Please answer in the comments below, although I know a few of you will answer my question on Facebook.

Friday TN Question No. 8

We hope you all had a very pleasant New Year

So this weeks question:

How do you split things between your different inserts/notebooks in your Travellers Notebook?  

Please answer in the comments below, although I know a few of you will answer my question on Facebook.