Daily Archives: 07/09/2022

Web Finds – 7 September 2022

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos. We try to find all the best ‘Carnet de Voyage’ posts every week.

  1. Web Finds – Saturday 3 September 2022Philofaxy
  2. NEW Touch Me Model | Codex Standard Mega – Blog Vdsshop
  3. Notebook Cover Review: Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter – The Well-Appointed Desk
  4. Ocean Explorer Notebook from Kurzgesagt – notesinabook
  5. Your Hobonichi 2023 Diary Guide – Milligram – All
  6. From Our Analogue World to Yours // Love Letter, September 2022 – Baum-kuchen – BK Journal by Wakako
  7. I made myself a New Art Journal – iHanna’s Blog
  8. TRAVELER’S BOOKS 読書月間イベント【2022年9月7日より】 「weekend books」の本とオリジナルブックマークのプレゼント – TRAVELER’S COMPANY
  9. Obvious State EDC Notebook – I am excessively diverted – Jane Austen – notesinabook
  10. Odyssey B5 Notebook Review – The Pen Addict
  11. Nos nouvelles grilles d’agendas 16 mois – Quo Vadis
  12. Rick Barton’s Sketchbooks – Notebook Stories
  13. Your 2023 MiGoals Diary Guide – Milligram – All
  14. Link Love: Back-to-Business – The Well-Appointed Desk
  15. Your blog post could appear here. Please let us know if you have a blog that features Travellers Notebooks.

Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. Video Web Finds – Wednesday 7 September 2022Philofaxy
  2. PLANNER FLIP: hobonichi, wonderland222, traveler’s notebook – Dia Meraz
  3. Silent unboxing of my new Van Der Spek Planner covers – Planner Mumsy
  4. Bullet Journal Set Up | September – Helen Colebrook
  5. VDS Nomad – Standard Size Traveler’s Notebook #hobonichi #vanderspeknomad – Monique Smith
  6. My Planner Collection | September 2022 | VDS, Gillio, thinkthankay, Travelers Company & more! –  Sandoodles Desk
  7. It’s a thing of beauty @Galen Leather #fountainpen #stationery – CoffeeTeaPaper
  8. 開封の儀】トルコから届いたペンケース開封!!Galen Leather – P助の万年筆名鑑ch /fountain pens
  9. More Fountain Pen Cases. Comparison: Galen Lather Zipper Magnum Opus v. Visconti Dreamtouch – Two Mice On My Bookshelf
  10. Galen Leatherから10周年記念万年筆が届いた 〜Fountain penよもやま話〜 – Tokyo 2 minutes / トウキョウ2ミニッツ
  11. Čím jsou zápisníky Filofax Notebook tak unikátní? – Filofax
  12. Stunning dot grid bujo notebooks – Compoco! – Vegan Organizer
  13. Fill Your Notebook Challenge – Traveler’s Notebook – Stationery Shenanigans
  14. 2023 Hobonichi Mega Weeks Hack – Starting 9/5/2022 #hobonichi #hobonichiweeks #megaweeks – Monique Smith
  15. Delmon Varone A6 reporters’ notebook cover – Review – Graham Rhind
  16. Canva Inserts Tutorial : making planner dashboards and lists – Laura Jane
  17. Prepping my planner for final thesis defense at university – The Unplanned Life
  18. moleskine daily. planner 2022 тесты ручек – The Object
  19. Čím sú zápisníky Filofax Notebook tak unikátne? – Filofax
  20. Simple Monthly PWM || Pocket Chic Sparrow – GanchiPlans
  21. Journal With Me | Creative Journal – Helen Colebrook
  22. September Setup ||Field Notes TN Cover || Companion Planner|| Pocket Bullet Journal – Life With MJB
  23. Journal With Me: Gratitude Journal – MyLifeMits
  24. Unboxing: Traveler’s Notebook HOTEL limited edition and SETUP – seemownay
  25. Regrets from My Hobonichi 2022 Purchase ~ Did I Even Use Anything? – Sarah Martinez
  26. Gillio Giramondo Deluxe & VDS Nomad – Monique Smith
  27. Setting Up My *NEW* Travel Journal – Portland Leather Goods Passport Holder – Seaweed Kisses
  28. Chester Lake Mountains are AWE-some: Journal with me 006 – Stationery At 4
  29. Quick Unboxing | New TN Limited Edition | Stamps from Raw Market – happie_journal_life
  30. Weekly Planning Routine | Passport TN | LindseyScribbles – lindseyscribbles
  31. 2023 Hobonichi Mega Weeks – Monique Smith
  32. Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Travellers Notebooks or similar, please let us know.

Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their video mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but please take a look!
