YouTuber Under The Spotlight – Emma Lethbridge

Introducing Emma Lethbridge of Lethbridge Paper.

Tell us about your You Tube channel

My channel is an outlet to talk all things stationery and planners, partly wanting to help people navigate the sometimes confusing world of planners, and partly to find fellow stationery nerds I can chat to! Literally no one I know in real life cares about planners (alas).
What encouraged you to start your channel and when did you start it?

I’d had a blog for years and enjoyed watching planner YT videos, but it took me a while to pluck up the courage to actually get my voice on camera. I finally took the plunge during Covid in 2020 when I had no excuse to not finally set up the channel (it’s not like I was doing much else at the time).

A lot of people feature plenty of subjects/topics on their channels these days, what topics are popular on your channel?

Definitely anything giving advice or inspo – such as different ways to use parts of your planner. The six distinct layouts I’ve used in the Cousin Weekly pages over the years is my top video overall. Recently, my video on why you shouldn’t get sucked in by planner pre-orders generated a lot of discussion in the comments, which I loved!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own You Tube channel about planners?

It’s such a cliché but just do it. The beauty of recording a video and uploading it later is you can edit it to your heart’s content. So if you find that you went on too much of a tangent and had a crazy ramble in the middle of your video, you can just edit it out and no one needs to know! Yes, I’m talking from experience on this.

What types of planners do you enjoy using?

My personal and A5 Filofaxes will always be a constant. Because you can switch everything out with ease, and it doesn’t ‘run out’ at the end of the year, it’s brilliant for housing reference information that doesn’t change much.

TN’s are my go-to for travel and I’m also using one for scrapbooking for the first time this year.

Finally, I’m a die hard Hobonichi fan. I’ve been in the Weeks since 2018 and have only skipped one year with the Cousin in the same time period.

What planner are you currently using?

I’ve just finished One Book July where I used nothing but my Weeks (except my Filofax for previously mentioned reference information). I use a Jibun Daily for work.

Where can we find you on social media?

The main place (other than YT) that you’ll find me is Instagram! I’m @lethbridgepaper on there, and focus my social media time on there so I don’t spread myself too thin.

You Tube:

Thank you Emma and if you have a YouTube channel and you would like to be featured here in this series please get in touch travellersnotebooktimes at

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