Daily Archives: 01/03/2017

Web Finds – 1 March 2017


So I hope you are having a good week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Van der Spek ‘Touch Me’ Nomad – Travellers Notebook Times
  2. Pocket Notebook Basics – episode 5 – My Life All in One Place
  3. Write pocket notebooks – Review – Paper Pens Ink
  4. Traveler’s Notebook Mixed Media Layout – Lego Batman – PlannerBug
  5. Dear Satchi & Coco – Baum-Kuchen
  6. Nuuna Notebooks – This Bug’s Life
  7. Lihit Lab Smart Fit A5 Notebook Cover Review – The Pen Addict
  8. My first BUJO setup – Kat’s Life In Cali
  9. Chic Sparrow Dr. Jones B6 Regular!!! – Tales From A Polk County Girl
  10. How To Make A Traveler’s Notebook Vision Board – Seaweed Kisses
  11. Atelier Philippe Orange Epsom leather Regular Size TN – This Bug’s Life
  12. Darling Clementine Letterpressed Notebook Review – The Pen Addict
  13. Rhodia Rhodiarama – review – Paper Pens Ink
  14. Field Notes has just launched their latest edition – Blank and Write – The Blog
  15. Planning in a Traveler’s Notebook: Planner Struggle & March Setup. – seemownay
  16. Travellers Notebook | Holiday Journaling Part 2 – sosteffso
  17. Meet our incredible BK Team!  – Baum-Kuchen

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well.

  1. My Every Day Carry travelers notebook – Rita Weaver
  2. Morgan Le Fae’s Trinkets Notebooks and COCOA daisy Mini Inserts – John Rush
  3. Travelers Notebook // Junk Journal With Me!! – Amity Bloom
  4. (Midori) Traveler’s Notebook Passport Size- Wallet Setup – Seaweed Kisses
  5. What I regularly use – Rita Weaver
  6. SPECKLED FAWNS UNBOXING Pomegranate B6 Traveler’s Notebook – lisashares
  7. DIY: A5 Travelers Notebook Insert: Tomoe River Paper & More – CreativelyFree2Bme
  8. Chic Sparrow Outlander Pocket Travelers Notebook Unboxing and Other Tn Supplies YouTube – ozora 7800
  9. Traveler’s Notebook: TBT Planning in February 2016 – seemownay
  10. Zlyc travelers notebook box opening – the crafty Sparrow
  11. Travelers Notebook from Wish.com – Stephanie Rendino
  12. Planner Peace? I haven’t found it yet. Big Planner Struggles here. – seemownay
  13. Travelers notebook cover comparson – Webster’s Pages and Freckled Fawn – Tanya Hubbard
  14. How to CLEAN your traveler’s notebook – MommyReporter
  15. A Surprise B6 Unboxing – John Rush
  16. Traveler’s Notebook Setup for Our Trip to Phuket | How I will Journal on holidays | Filizlovespaper – Filizlovespaper
  17. Travelers notebook setup as a wallet! – The Stitchy Hooker
  18. Traveler’s Notebook Set Up | Chic Sparrow – Feb 2017 – Diary Of A Planner Girl
  19. DIY Tutorial – Traveler’s Notebook Folder – Carla De Taboada
  20. Dollar Tree Placemat Traveler’s Notebook / Fauxdori Hack – Lindsey Zenor
  21. Traveler’s Notebook – One FAB Teacher
  22. Using a Llama Zip Planner as a Wallet, Traveler’s Notebook, and Hobonichi Weeks Cover – Plan with Jessy
  23. This Is Ground Mod Tablet 3 Review – Girl and Quill
  24. Bullet Journal Walk Through | Chic Sparrow Mr. Darcy | Traveler’s Notebook – Connie Porter
  25. Unboxing the September Leather traveler’s notebook – Plan.It. Leanne

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!

