Daily Archives: 26/06/2019

Web Finds – 26 June 2019

I hope you have had a good week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Reggie Kray’s Sketchbook – Notebook Stories
  2. Leuchtturm 1917 Weekly Planner and Notebook – Review – Sam Alderson
  3. Planner Quote: June 17, 2019 – FranklinPlanner Talk
  4. LeCow A5 Mountain and Puzzle Traveler’s Notebook – This Bug’s Life
  5. Travel Journaling — interview with Tamsien West from Babbling Books – Journal
  6. Quo Vadis Life Journal Infinite Review – The Pen Addict
  7. Calepino… mean, green writing machines – Nero’s Notes – Paw Prints
  8. Notebook Review: The Kokuyo Sketch Book – Notebook Stories
  9. Notebook Review: Studio Neat Totebook – The Well-Appointed Desk
  10. ZenKraft Biker Brown A5 Pro Sleeve  – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  11. Neu! Schlüsseletiketten von X17! – X17 Blog
  12. Seafarers’ Sketchbooks – Notebook Stories

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. time for a new bullet journal – Hannah J
  2. My B6 Stalogy Cover Comparison – Planner Mumsy
  3. How I Memory Keep in my Cocoa Daisy Standard Dori – Amy Graham
  4. Bullet journal plan with me // journaling my way kit / – Gemma Rose Crafts
  5. Traveler’s Notebook Layout | Scrapbooking | Dovecraft Happy You | Trimcraft Tuesday – ms.paperlover
  6. Midsized TNs Personal, B6 Slim, and B6 – John Rush
  7. TRAVELER’S COMPANY | WEEKLY INSERT – Sylvia From Wright Your Life
  8. Plan With Me | July 2019 – Sunshine & Stationery
  9. Journal With Me + Journal Flip Through | Sojourner A6 Le Cow TN – MyLifeMits
  10. Making a matte Gillio Shiny – Planner Mumsy
  11. Happy Mail Unboxing – Chic Sparrow, Foxy Fix & an Ebay surprise! – Amy Graham
  12. Journal With Me | Traveler’s Notebook – Episode 14 – skylar hand
  13. Lets Journal Together | Planting Seeds Of Summer – Amity Bloom
  14. June Planner Update | Kendra Bork – Kendra Bork
  15. Bullet journal plan with me // seasons layout – Gemma Rose Crafts
  16. 10 Tips to add Vintage Vibes to your Traveler’s Notebook – Mia Vibes

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!
