10 Years of Travellers Notebook Times

Today sees us celebrate the 10th Anniversary of this site.

It was back in October 2014 that I was asked if I could do something similar to what I do over at Philofaxy. ‘Web Finds‘ on Philofaxy came from a one line comment on another persons blog, that gave me the idea of bringing together all the latest posts and videos about Filofax organisers.

Back then a lot of blogs had appeared along with You Tube videos to share how people use their organisers etc.

In the early days of this site I experimented with some similar tools to gather together posts and videos, these have been evolving over the years to bring you a weekly digest of blog posts and videos which I then share on Facebook and for people to read and follow the links from here to the respective videos and posts.

If there is anyone who would like to contribute a guest post about their Travellers Notebook or similar then please contact me admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

Thank you for your continued support.

4 thoughts on “10 Years of Travellers Notebook Times

  1. Tim Edwards

    Well done on keeping this site going Steve! You put a lot of effort in.

    1. stevemorton

      Thank you Tim, it keeps me busy, this one and Philofaxy. Not a bad thing at this stage of life!. Take care

  2. Pingback: Web Finds – 30 October 2024 | Travellers Notebook Times

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