Web Finds – 23 October 2024

Travellers Notebooks are your choice for journalling or as a notebook to complement your planner. You might prefer a bound book as your planner of choice. What ever it is we have a selection of posts and videos for you to enjoy each week.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos. We try to find all the best  ‘Carnet de Voyage’ posts every week.

  1. Web Finds – Saturday 19 October 2024Philofaxy
  2. Notebook Review: Nakabayashi W/U B6 5mm GridThe Well-Appointed Desk
  3. How I use time-boxingNero’s Notes – Paw Prints
  4. Finishing a Work NotebookNotebook Stories
  5. Clairefontaine Triomphe A5 Blank Notebook ReviewThe Pen Addict
  6. Paper Review: Yamamoto Paper Tasting Silky Vol. 3The Well-Appointed Desk
  7. Oblation Papers & Press Shop VisitThe Pen Addict
  8. Welcome to our BK community momentsBaum-kuchen
  9. New Arrivals: Midori MD Paper Thick A5 Notebooks, Tokyo Traveler’s Refills, and More! The Gentleman Stationer
  10. Link Love: By the Power of Tomoe River! – The Well-Appointed Desk
  11. Your blog post could appear here. Please let us know if you have a blog that features Travellers Notebooks.

Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. Video Web Finds – Wednesday 23 October 2024Philofaxy
  2. Hobonichi Techo Haul: Quiet, no talking, no music VersionMyLifeMits
  3. FRESH START! New Journal Setup | Moleskine Expanded NotebookSeaweed Kisses
  4. Quick & Easy Gratitude Journal Pages | TutorialHelen Colebrook
  5. How to Write Your To-Do List the Right Way to Get Things DonePlanner Perfect
  6. Planners Unboxing: Plotter Liscio A5, Pueblo Bible, Brit House Mini5 and Diaso OrganizerKatherine
  7. lil chat! – MOLESKINE UPDATE & new leather coversSeaweed Kisses
  8. Sterling Ink B5 Common Planner Partial Set Up Flip | Planner Chat | Gillio Slim Appunto Undyed #planNessie Plans
  9. Hobonichi Techo Haul 2025 – Chatty versionMyLifeMits
  10. Another Moleskine theory – Good vs Bad Paper QualitySeaweed Kisses
  11. My Traveler’s Notebook 2025 Stationery Haul!Stationery At 4
  12. Bullet Journal Artist Edition 2024 – Its FancyMan v Stationery
  13. $12 – $37 Affordable BEAUTIFUL Undyed Leather Products | Galen Leathertalks from the heart
  14. London UK Pen Show October 2024 – Part 1Penultimate Dave
  15. Q4 Traveler’s Notebook Setups | bullet journal & memory keeperkatiebassoon
  16. muji horizontal and view at once 2025 planner and calendar / traveler’s notebook accordionnot aesthetic
  17.  Traveler’s Notebook Haul: Hotel Editions from Japan!nikita2471
  18. Will I Use These Journals for 2025? TRAVELER’s Notebook, Hobonichi, PLOTTERAbbey Sy
  19. 12 Minimal Monthly Layout Ideas (for diy planners & bullet journaling)Sarica
  20. Traveler’s Notebook Love – Chatting about new releases, my tns and setting things up again…Linda aka tortagialla
  21. Traveler’s company 2025 diaries unboxing)Crafty Raccoon
  22. Plan with me | October 21-27, 2024 | Hobonichi WeeksTiffany’s Plans
  23. To moleskine or not to moleskine. That is the questionFlatability
  24. Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Travellers Notebooks or similar, please let us know.

Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their video mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you
