Daily Archives: 22/09/2015

Web Finds – 22 September 2015

So I hope you had a good weekend.

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Moleskine Planner – In love with journals
  2. My Field Notes “Planner” – Blank and Write
  3. Very picture heavy post – painted TN covers by Monique Vanmeulebrouk – This Bug’s Life
  4. Starry nights and long and winding roads… – Morgan Le Fae’s Trinkets
  5. Die „Neue Zettelwirtschaft“ ist da. Und ein Gewinnspiel! – X17 Blog
  6. ZenKraft North Face Base Camp Multi-Function Tri-Fold LogBook – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  7. Full production process of painted TN covers by Monique Vanmeulebrouk – Picture Heavy! – This Bugs’s Life
  8. 7 Benefits of Using a Daily Plannner – Seaweed Kisses
  9. Daily Dashboard in Moleskine Large Cahier size for free. – My Life All in One Place
  10. Evolving Planner Layouts – Becoming Sleek
  11. Combination Ring binder/TN cover/Hobonichi cover by Glenda Slann – This Bug’s Life
  12. WEEK THIRTY-EIGHT IN MY MTN – Letters in November
  13. 22 Planner Alternatives to a Filofax – The Well Appointed Desk
  14. Angels on my mind…– Morgan Le Fae’s Trinkets
  15. Lang lebe die Karteikarte! Ein Gewinnspiel auf toolblog.de! – X17 Blog
We are starting to monitor blogs that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: travellersnotebooktimes at gmail dot com

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well.

  1. September Set up and Happie Scrappie Planner Kit | Traveler’s Notebook – MyLifeMits
  2. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Inserts Demo – PaperandLight
  3. Travel Journal Tidbits and Personal Size Traveler’s Notebook – LifeintheMitten
  4. Product Review for Traveler’s Notebooks | Fabric and Leather – Shelly’s Home Life
  5. Unique Traveler’s Notebook Inserts (PennyPaperCraft) – Vinylreverie
  6. DIY Traveler’s Notebook Insert: Business Card Holder – Dawn Paoletta
  7. Travelers Notebook flip through of my tasks and journaling booklet. – Nancy Zarroli
  8. What’s in my Planner? | Tackling Time Management – Noella Lewis
  9. Pelle Studio travelers Notebook Unboxing – Artmingle
  10. my travelers notebook as my wallet and errand keeper… updated!! – Jenny Penton
  11. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Set Up – Lady of the Ark
We are starting to monitor You Tube channels that have TN type videos in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: travellersnotebooktimes at gmail dot com