Monthly Archives: November 2016

Web Finds – 30 November 2016

IMG_2129So I hope you are having a good week.

Recent posts on Travellers Notebook Times:

  1. Web Finds – 23 November 2016
  2. My favourite Travellers Notebook – Cori
  3. Travellers Notebook Questions – No. 5
  4. Open Discussion – 28 November 2016 – Join in the conversation every Monday

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

  1. New Bullet Journal Set Up – The Delightful Planner
  2. Barenia leather TN from Atelier Philippe – This Bug’s Life
  3. …because I needed another challenge – Dianne Sylvan
  4. Progressing My Weight Loss With Macro Tracking – The Weekend Wife
  5. A new pen and notebook from Amazon – inlovewithjournals
  6. ZenKraft Minelli Golden Rod/Burgundy B5 Bi-Fold – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  7. Have yourself a merry little bullet journal planned Christmas  – The Delightful Planner
  8. Midori Unboxing- Black Traveler’s Notebook – Seaweed Kisses
  9. Gfeller leather notebook covers – This Bug’s Life
  10. Ryman soft cover notebook: review – Paper Pens Ink
  11. Visiting Traveler’s Factory in Tokyo!  – Baum-Kuchen
  12. Planning for Gratitude – Lil Divette
  13. Planning Your Planner with Agendio Builder – The Well-Appointed Desk
  14. Kalender, ein Geheimnis? – X17 Blog
  15. Featured Post! – Tales From A Polk County Girl
  16. Kendal & Hyde leather notebook cover – This Bug’s Life
  17. Red Unbranded Weeks Cover – Becoming Sleek
  18. Lethbridgecards November New Releases and Black Friday weekend sale details! – Polkadotparadiso
  19. The Colouring Notebook and a Different Kind of Advent Calendar – inlovewithjournals

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see.

  1. Foxy Fix size 0 micro as a wallet – Rita Weaver
  2. One of these things is not like the other poppy and hide  – Rita Weaver
  3. Personal Planner Setup – Hobonichi A6 in Gillio Appunto – Jenuine Life
  4. Youtube sanatifactory haul part 2, leather samples and 2 TNs – John Sparegrave
  5. My Current Planner and Journal Setup – Hobonichi Cousin and Gillio Giramondo – Jenuine Life
  6. What I’m using this week. Filofax and Travelers Notebooks – Rita Weaver
  7. Christmas Pocket Field Notes Midori Style Traveler’s Notebook Fauxdori Planner Setup – glamplanxo
  8. My 2017 Hobonichi Weeks setup! – Vegan Organizer
  9. Fall 2016 Chic Sparrow | SET UP [DIYFish] – Dani Planorama
  10. Review of Sanati factory TNs part 3: Stephen Covey inspired TN and more – John Sparegrave
  11. What I’m Using His Week, Rings And Strings  – Rita Weaver
  12. Gillio Giramondo Setup | Travelers Notebook | Art Journal Christmas Edition – LittleMagicalArt
  13. Midori Unboxing- Black Traveler’s Notebook – Seaweed Kisses
  14. New Foxy Fix Setup!! | My B6 Wanderlust – HappyPlanaholic
  15. [Midori] Traveler’s Notebook- 2017 Daily Planner Inserts – Seaweed Kisses
  16. Traveler’s Notebooks (TN) by Linshi Tasks – My touch of Vintage
  17. DIY Marble Notebook Insert for Traveler’s Notebooks – Rachel Blundell
  18. Making a Travelers Notebook – The Mad Rat House
  19. 10th Anniversary Traveler’s Notebook Unboxing – skylar hand
  20. Travelers Notebooks I’m Currently Using PART 1 – Carrots & Olives
  21. Travelers Notebook I’m Currently Using PART 2 – Carrots & Olives
  22. Micro Speckled Fawns Traveler’s Notebook Wallet Setup – Tori S
  23. Traveler’s Notebook Setup – Chic Sparrow Black Beauty Personal – designmademyday
  24. Help on Travelers Notebook Sizes – Chic Sparrow
  25. Websters Travelers Notebook – M Smith
  26. KentfromOZ’s Planning For 2017 – November 2016 Update – Kent from Oz
  27. Speckled Fawns Christmas Traveler’s Notebook / Journal 2016 – Dawn Paoletta

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!



Open Discussion – 28 November 2016

Monday here on Travellers Notebook Times is where you should feel free to discuss anything relevant, ask questions, ask for opinions and share other information as well.

Relevant is anything covering Travellers notebook, bound planners, Hobonichi planners, notebooks etc etc… But obviously excluding ring bound planners, disc bound planners which are more at home on Philofaxy.

I hope to keep it simple and civilised.


Travellers Notebook Questions – No. 5

IMG_2444Each week we ask our readers a simple question about their Travellers Notebooks and how they use them.

So this weeks question:

What do you use the different notebooks for in your Travellers Notebook?

Please answer in the comments below, although I know a few of you will answer my question on Facebook.