Monthly Archives: January 2017

Open Discussion – 29 January 2017

Sunday here on Travellers Notebook Times is where you should feel free to discuss anything relevant, ask questions, ask for opinions and share other information as well.

Relevant is anything covering Travellers notebook, bound planners, Hobonichi planners, notebooks etc etc… But obviously excluding ring bound planners, disc bound planners which are more at home on Philofaxy.

I hope to keep it simple and civilised.


Web Finds – 25 January 2017

IMG_2129So I hope you are having a good week.

Recent posts on Travellers Notebook Times:

  1. Web Finds – 18 January 2017
  2. The Pocket Notebook Book by Ray Blake

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Gorgeous new TN covers by Leather Quill Shoppe – This Bug’s Life
  2. Codex Standard with zipper – Blog Vdsshop
  3. Chicsparrow Deluxe Creme Brulee Pocket TN – Becoming Sleek
  4. Hobonichi Unboxing – The Delightful Planner
  5. Look at these gorgeous Traveler’s Notebook covers from Elrohir Leather! – This Bug’s Life
  6. Auf zur Paperworld 2017! – X47-News-Blog
  7. Die Details machen es aus! Vivi hat sich ein X17-Notizbuch in A6 genauer angeschaut – X17 Blog
  8. Notebook Musings 03 – Personal Choice – onethirtysixeast
  9. Traveler’s notebook wallet inserts – This Bug’s Life
  10. A flip through:  January’s layout in a MTN – Queen of Yarnia, Stuff & Things
  11. 2017 Planners – Work Bullet Journal & Bonus Functional Plan w/Me! – Lil Divette
  12. What Prompts You To Journal? – An Inkophile’s Blog
  13. 2017 planner setup: Gillio Compagna and Speckled Fawns TN – Art of Memories
  14. Planner Society December 2016 Review – Polkadotparadiso
  15. Frugal Friday Notebooks – onethirtysixeast

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found these videos for your enjoyment as well.

  1. Sojourner Roadrunner Passport Unboxing – John Rush
  2. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Flip-Through: Pregnancy Edition – Mama Row
  3. New Traveller’s notebooks at Michaels! Molly and Rex traveler notebook | Plan with Jessy – Plan with Jessy
  4. How to Create Layouts in the Travelers Notebook Websters Pages – La Fourmi Créative
  5. TRAVELER’S notebook BLUE EDITION開封  – matsu channel
  6. 2017 Webster’s Page Traveler’s Notebook | Setup with Hobonichi Weeks – misshollyho
  7. Midori Traveler’s Notebook – Modern Focus
  8. Midori Traveler’s Notebook Passport I 2017 setup – BbJing23
  9. Passport Traveler’s Notebook Setup – StudioBAS
  10. My FIRST Chic Sparrow Traveler’s Notebook – Carolina Hobby Girl
  11. Bullet Journal Flip-Through 2 – and Moving into Traveler’s Notebook – Ganchi
  12. Pouch Tutorial: Make a wallet insert for your Travelers Notebook! – krodesigns
  13. TN Pocket Set-Up | Chic Sparrow | Every Day Carry | Wallet – Carolina Hobby Girl
  14. My weekly planning setup – Rita Weaver
  15. Traveler’s Notebook Tips & Tricks with Kim | Freckled Fawn – Freckled Fawn
  16. School, Yard Work, & Travelers Notebooks (January 19, 2017) – The Daily’s with Jess
  17. Mr Darcy Second Chance Unboxing – John Rush
  18. My Top 7 Favorite Planner Supplies – Seaweed Kisses
  19. Nigella Planner Projects for my Traveler’s Notebook – SCRAPPERY KIT CLUB
  20. Travelers Notebook FlipTrough | Jan 2017 | English | KimSlr –Kim Pinelli
  21. Work Bullet Journal – Walk-thru & Functional Plan with Me – Lil Divette
  22. DIY Midori Style Traveler’s Notebook – Momma From Scratch
  23. My Sojourner Field Notes Flip Through & Every Day Carry – CoffeeBookChick
  24. 2017 planner setup: Gillio Compagna and Speckled Fawns TN – Marsia Bramucci
  25. Hourly Planning | Erin Condren, Filofax, or Travelers Notebook – Annie Smith
  26. How to Make DIY Traveler’s Notebook Inserts | Freckled Fawn – Freckled Fawn
  27. A6 Traveler’s Notebook Wallet & Mini Coupon Holder – Organized Planner Chic
  28. Creative memory keeping in my travelers notebook scrappy journal – Nancy Zarroli
  29. Blue Edition Traveler’s Notebook and How I Plan To Use It – Sylvia From Wright Your Life
  30. Traveler’s Notebook Setup! || Updated Planner Setup! – Planning Ellie Studios
  31. 2017 Planner Set Up & Flip Through – Katherine Shu
  32. Chic Sparrow A6 Odyssey Unboxing!!! – WillowMuck
  33. Chic Sparrow Personal Size Travelers Notebook Bullet Journal & Wallet Set Up – horizon1322
  34. NEVER-SEEN 2017 PLANNER (Midori TN on Filofax rings)! – mysummertouch

We now have a page on Facebook, give us a like.

We also have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but take a look!



The Pocket Notebook Book by Ray Blake

I have never been the biggest user of notebooks over the years. As you know I am more of a ring bound organiser user.

That said I have been using small notebooks as Travellers Notebooks in the last few years with mixed results, so this book I thought might hold some clues as to how to make better use of them.

And Ray Blake didn’t disappoint. Ray sent me a free copy of the book to review it and this post is the result.

According to the page on Amazon, the book if it was printed would be 90 pages in length. I did wonder at first what can you write about notebooks that would take 90 pages! How wrong was I.

Ray eases us in with the history of notebooks and buying a pocket notebook, this includes information about sizes and types, things to look out for, paper types etc. All very useful stuff for people who want a comprehensive guide.

The book then continues about how to set up your pocket notebook so you get the best from it.

The next few chapters cover different uses of pocket notebooks and Ray includes plenty of examples and drawings to illustrate the methods and examples shown.

Ray also goes in to the detail about how to index and archive your notes and notebooks. I know he is writing from experience as he explained this process to me in a podcast interview about how he uses his own pocket notebooks.

Whilst it isn’t a long read by any means, I can really recommend the book to anyone who uses a Pocket Notebook or like me has tinkered with them in the past, but never got the full benefits from them.

The book is available on Amazon for the Kindle, although you can get Kindle apps for most devices these days even if you don’t own a Kindle.

Thank you Ray for the chance to review your book, I will be digging out some unused pocket notebooks myself to put in to use soon.

Check out Ray’s blog (My Life All In One Place) for lots of other useful information.