I have never been the biggest user of notebooks over the years. As you know I am more of a ring bound organiser user.
That said I have been using small notebooks as Travellers Notebooks in the last few years with mixed results, so this book I thought might hold some clues as to how to make better use of them.
And Ray Blake didn’t disappoint. Ray sent me a free copy of the book to review it and this post is the result.
According to the page on Amazon, the book if it was printed would be 90 pages in length. I did wonder at first what can you write about notebooks that would take 90 pages! How wrong was I.
Ray eases us in with the history of notebooks and buying a pocket notebook, this includes information about sizes and types, things to look out for, paper types etc. All very useful stuff for people who want a comprehensive guide.
The book then continues about how to set up your pocket notebook so you get the best from it.
The next few chapters cover different uses of pocket notebooks and Ray includes plenty of examples and drawings to illustrate the methods and examples shown.
Ray also goes in to the detail about how to index and archive your notes and notebooks. I know he is writing from experience as he explained this process to me in a podcast interview about how he uses his own pocket notebooks.
Whilst it isn’t a long read by any means, I can really recommend the book to anyone who uses a Pocket Notebook or like me has tinkered with them in the past, but never got the full benefits from them.
The book is available on Amazon for the Kindle, although you can get Kindle apps for most devices these days even if you don’t own a Kindle.
Thank you Ray for the chance to review your book, I will be digging out some unused pocket notebooks myself to put in to use soon.
Check out Ray’s blog (My Life All In One Place) for lots of other useful information.
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