Daily Archives: 07/04/2021

Web Finds – 7 April 2021

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Notebook Review: Archer & Olive A5 Night Sky Neapolitan Dot Grid Notebook – The Well-Appointed Desk
  2. A is for… Appointed – notesinabook
  3. ‘Truly Yours’ traveler’s notebook – This Bugs Life
  4. A Journal Habit – Nero’s Notes – Paw Prints
  5. B is for… Balance Planner – notesinabook
  6. What’s New in My Monthly Insert for April – Planner Fun
  7. Paper Review and Giveaway: Musubi Cosmo Air Light Notebook – The Well-Appointed Desk
  8. Fill a tiny Journal: Friendship – iHanna’s Blog
  9. C is for Concept Planner – notesinabook
  10. April Date Headers for Travelers Notebooks & Bullet Journals – Planner Fun
  11. Take Five: Favorite Traveler’s Notebook Accessories – The Gentleman Stationer
  12. Link Love: We all want unicorns – The Well-Appointed Desk
  13. D is for… Daily Planner – notesinabook
  14. Planner Chat: Vertical Storage & Starting a New Month – Planner Fun
  15. Fabio Ricci Notebook Review – Notebook Stories
  16. April 2021 Bullet Journal Set up – Sam Alderson
  17. Paper Review: Stonehenge Legion Mini Artist Pad Sample Set, Part 2 – The Well-Appointed Deskx
  18. E is for… Expenses – notesinabook
  19. Planning Without Plans – Planner Fun

Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. My Van Der Spek Surprise – Planner Mumsy
  2. Plan with me for 05 to 18 April 2021 (plus what happened recently) – The Unplanned Life
  3. 2021 Hobonichi Planner System Update – Jessica Torina // RubyDoobies
  4. How to Fill a Bound Notebook – Standard TN – Stalogy, Moleskine or Nanami – My Tips – Monique Smith
  5. Zip around Passport TN – by OneJournal – My.Stationery. Love
  6. Plan With Me | A Look In My Traveler’s Notebook April 2021 – Planning With John
  7. デイリー手帳の紹介とプレゼント企画!// Passion Planner Daily – Plannergirl 777
  8. April 2021 – Standard Traveler’s Notebook – My Main Desk Planner Setup – Monique Smith
  9. 测试3个多小时,要找到最适合手帐的笔 – Bushimen
  10. Creative Journal Hobonichi Journal With Me Cousin Sakura Season – MyLifeMits
  11. How I Started My Travelers Notebook Business – Beth Soler
  12. Saturday Planner Chat – Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Stalogy & Moleskine – Monique Smith
  13. X17-X47 mini-series, part 5, the INSERTS (formats, models and test of the new Lumex paper) – John Sparegrave
  14. *New Product* Vintage Themed Traveler’s Notebook Vol. III – Skylar Hand Studio Exclusive – skylar hand
  15. Monday Morning Planner Chat – Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Monique Smith
  16. Bullet Journal Set Up | April – Helen Colebrook
  17. March 2021 New Releases | Ganchi Plans Printables – GanchiPlans
  18. FUNCTIONAL Hobonichi Cousin Weekly Planning 14 | PlantheGrind – PlanTheGrind-SarahWheeler
  19. Journal With Me | A5 Traveler’s Notebook – skylar hand
  20. Moterm Cover Change, May Setup Planner Book – Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Monique Smith
  21. Hobonichi Cousin February Flips – YusVogue Plans
  22. Mini-série carnets X17-X47, dernière partie, les INSERTS (formats, modèles et test nouveau papier) – John Sparegrave
  23. My teeny tiny EDC planner – smythson wafer notebook – My.Stationery. Love
  24. How to Bullet Journal in a Traveler’s Notebook in 30 seconds #shorts – GanchiPlans
  25. My Spring 2021 Hobonichi Cousin setup! – Vegan Organizer
  26. SIMPLE STORIES 2021 new STICKER BOOKS flip throughs | Safe Travels, School Life, Hello Today – lizzuplans
  27. Review | New Moterm Traveler’s Notebook Version Vs Old Version – Sylvia With A Plan
  28. 平凡生活的碎碎念与真实的手帐过程~journal with me #02 – Bushimen

Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their video mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but please take a look!
