Daily Archives: 28/04/2021

Web Finds – 28 April 2021

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Attention Email Subscribers – Travellers Notebook Times
  2. R is for… Rifle Paper Co – notesinabook
  3. Crate-digging with Traveler’s Co. B-Sides & Rarities – Milligram – All
  4. Pineider Boston Notebook Review – Notebook Stories
  5. Fill a tiny journal: Spring – iHanna’s Blog
  6. S is for… Sora – notesinabook
  7. Fabriano EcoQua Pocket Notebook (Pack of 4): A Review – The Pen Addict
  8. Deals & Drops: Happy Earth Day!  – The Gentleman Stationer
  9. T is for… TIDBITS Day Planner – notesinabook
  10. Conversations with Anna Bond – Co-Founder and Illustrator of Rifle Paper Co. – Milligram – All
  11. 12 Bullet Journal Monthly Calendar Spreads – All About Planners
  12. Fill a tiny Journal: Make a List – iHanna’s Blog
  13. U is for… Unbound – notesinabook
  14. Sunday Reading for April 25, 2021 – The Gentleman Stationer
  15. TRU RED Explore Journal Review – The Pen Addict
  16. V is for… Visibility – notesinabook
  17. Journaling for Health and Success – FranklinPlanner Talk
  18. Amanda Rach Lee Bullet Journal Notebook Review (Including Pen Test) – All About Planners
  19. Notebook cover by Bite Leather – This Bug’s Life
  20. W is for… Weekly Whiteboard Planner – notesinabook

Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. How I use the Daily Pages in my Hobonichi Cousin – Lethbridge Paper
  2. Personal Traveler’s Notebook Flipthrough – Foxy Fix #4 Bay Leather – Monique Smith
  3. Nomad Crafts Refillable Leather Journals – Book of Shadows – journaljoy
  4. Creative Journal With Me Hobonichi Cousin Avec – MyLifeMits
  5. Plan w/ Me, Homeschool Chat @ Flipthrough- Standard Size TN – Monique Smith
  6. Chic Sparrow TNs and their insides – (moleskine expanded journal, regular travelers company planner) – My.Stationery. Love
  7. Quarantine journal: my lockdown project in A6 notebooks | daily pages with thoughts & stickers – lizzuplans
  8. The Notebook I Prefer – Moleskine, Stalogy or Tomoe River Paper? – Monique Smith
  9. Hobonichi Cousin: Sorting through my pile and adding to my Smashbook! – seemownay
  10. Trying a new system in my Hobonichi Cousin Business – vertical and teacher planner layout – – Planner mother of 3
  11. Planner Peace Disturbed, Part 2 – A planner-related haul from Shopee – The Unplanned Life
  12. 来了,所有活页本手帐大盘点! | 不是闷 – Bushimen
  13. Switching Covers for May – Moterm: Planner flip & Chat – Moleskine, Stalogy and TN – Monique Smith
  14. 2021 #FindingFiftyTwo Focus for Week 17 – Planning Ahead – Amy Graham
  15. Journal With Me No. 7 – Hobonichi A6 + A5 – happie_journal_life
  16. May Nanami Planner Book, TUL Discbound & Moterm 30mm Ring Planner – Monique Smith
  17. FUNCTIONAL Weekly Plan with Me 17 | PlantheGrind – PlanTheGrind-SarahWheeler
  18. April Chat – Ali Brown
  19. Flip Through | Reflip | First & Second Bujo – Sunshine & Stationery
  20. Hobonichi Weeks: journal with me 06/2021 – seemownay
  21. Lihit Lab Smart Fit Case vs Document Bag || Bullet Journal Covers – Life With MJB
  22. Chic sparrow weekly folio – with wallet insert (louis vuitton felicie insert) – EDC Hobonichi weeks – My.Stationery. Love
  23. {Plan With Me} May Notes – ‘Zest for Life’ – Rachel Blundell
  24. Gillio A6 Appunto Croco Blush – Kayla Hightower
  25. @Gillio Official Giramondo Setup (@CocoaDaisy ) – HappyPlace Planning

Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their video mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but please take a look!
