Daily Archives: 21/04/2021

Web Finds – 21 April 2021

It is time to sit back and relax and have a read of the latest blog posts and watch some of the latest videos.

  1. Attention Email Subscribers – Travellers Notebook Times
  2. L is for… Luminaries Planner – notesinabook
  3. Another retro classic from the Shire – Nero’s Notes – Paw Prints
  4. 40 Self Discovery Journaling Prompts – Kerrymay._.Makes
  5. TRU RED Mastery Journal Review – The Poor Penman
  6. M is for… Monthly Planners – notesinabook
  7. Link Love: Pencil Intense – The Well-Appointed Desk
  8. Fill a tiny journal: Dreams – iHanna’s Blog
  9. N is for… Notem – notesinabook
  10. Notebook Review: Lamy Notebook (Notizbuch) A5 – The Well-Appointed Desk
  11. Rencontre avec Archiduchesse – Quo Vadis
  12. O is for… Octaevo – notesinabook
  13. Sunday Reading for April 18, 2021 – The Gentleman Stationer
  14. Nos recettes de produits ménagers fait-maison – Quo Vadis
  15. P is for… Papier – notesinabook
  16. It’s nice, that. – Nero’s Notes – Paw Prints
  17. ZenKraft Weekend Warrior Traveler’s Messenger Bag – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  18. Product Overview: Shibui Leather Stationery Cases – The Well-Appointed Desk
  19. Q is for… Quarterly – notesinabook
  20. Convincing, because simple: The 5×3 method – Deine ZEIT, dein PLAN, dein BUCH
  21. ZenKraft Blackhawk A5 Xtreme Bifold  – ZenKraft Traveler’s Notes
  22. When “Morning Pages” take place any time of the day – Nero’s Notes – Paw Prints

Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We are looking to expand the blogs that we monitor  that have TN type posts in them, if you would like your blog added to the system please contact us: admin at travellersnotebooktimes dot com

And we have found this selection of videos for your enjoyment as well. Give them a like and subscribe to their channel if you like what you see. Also take a look at their other videos.

  1. Nolty Listy 1 Set Up – Lethbridge Paper
  2. Part 2 – Setup June B6 Stalogy Bullet Journal – Monique Smith
  3. Moterm Traveler’s Notebook | How Many Can It Fit – Sylvia With A Plan
  4. The Stationery Selection Unboxing March 2021 Hobonichi Weeks Decorate With Me #hobonichiweeks – MyLifeMits
  5. Field Note Size TN – Cut Down Leather W/ Me – Part 1 – Monique Smith
  6. Health & Wellness Journey Part 3 – Planner Mumsy
  7. My May 2021 Cocoa Daisy “Tranquility” kit unboxing for my A5 Garden Planner – Amy Graham
  8. Field Note Setup TN- Part 2 – Monique Smith
  9. Journal With Me | Reflective Journaling Tutorial – Helen Colebrook
  10. Asheville Travel Journal – Traveler’s Notebook Flip Through – skylar hand
  11. Topical Section – Anger: 1/2 Year Stalogy – Standard TN – Monique Smith
  12. What’s in my Hobonichis? – Planner mother of 3
  13. MD Grid notebook & paper cover – B6 slim (midori) – review and use as a food log – My.Stationery. Love
  14. Fun Time Creation – Personal Traveler’s Notebook – Monique Smith
  15. April 2021 Planner Lineup | Moterm Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Sylvia With A Plan
  16. How I use my HOBONICHIS 2021 | mega weeks and cousin avec – Planner mother of 3
  17. DIY TN Insert, May Cover Change , Personal TN Flip & Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Monique Smith
  18. I shouldn’t be doing this – Episode 3 of The Unplanned Life Podcast – The Unplanned Life
  19. A New Way to Color Code in Your Planner #shorts – GanchiPlans
  20. Sunday Flipthrough – Moleskine Standard TN & Flip of May Nanami Folio – Monique Smith
  21. Giovanni B6Slim Folio & My B6 Slim Folio Collection – Ali Brown
  22. Plan With Me | May 2021 – Sunshine & Stationery
  23. Everyday Carry This Week – Personal Size/Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Reverse Planning – Monique Smith
  24. FUNCTIONAL WEEKLY Plan with Me 16 | PlantheGrind – PlanTheGrind-SarahWheeler
  25. Journal With Me No. 6 – Hobonichi A5 Day Free – Little Raven Ink – happie_journal_life
  26. Chatty – April to May Planning – Standard Traveler’s Notebook – Monique Smith
  27. 2021 #FindingFiftyTwo Focus for Week 16 – Recognizing Setbacks – Amy Graham
  28. Gillio A5 Appunto Unboxing – Croco Mat Ocean Blue – The Planner Project
  29. Gillio Firenze Undyed A5 Appunto review after 3 months of use – Georgina The Librarian
  30. May Planner Book Process – Nanami Folio Bullet Journal -Standard Size – Monique Smith
  31. Planner System Update April 2021 / Hobonichi weeks, B6 stalogy, Gillio medium xl with FCC inserts – Nicola PinkPlannerGirl

Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their video mentioned on Travellers Notebook Times. Thank you

We have an Instagram account, not the busiest of accounts but please take a look!
